Jeahad Kadaf • Nov 13, 2018

How To Talk To A Lawyer

How to talk to your lawyer

Want to know how to talk to your lawyer? Understand first, that clear, open communication with your lawyer is vital to any case. Although lawyers, by definition, are well-versed in law, you need to provide background information (details, first-hand accounts, documents, etc.) so they can steer through the long legal battle.

Here are 4 tips on how to talk to your lawyer

  1. Be Organized
  • Know that the more prepared you are ahead of time, the better prepared your lawyer will be to tackle your case. Try to create a clear narrative of your situation. For example, if it’s an event-related incident, (e.g. traffic ticket), you should have everything written down in order from beginning to end. As well as any legal documents that are relevant to your case. Any witnesses? Even better, get the contact information of those witnesses.
  1. Honesty
  • This is very straight forward: Don’t lie. Always remember that you and your lawyer are on the same team. You have the same goals. Your lawyer cannot share confidential information with anyone, unless you give them permission to do so. When you start hiding relevant information about your case, it will only hurt you in the long haul. Be prepared to answer every question your lawyer may have for you regarding your situation, and answer openly and honestly. This will give you two the best chance have the outcome you both desire.
  1. Ask For Help
  • Most likely, you didn’t spend your college years studying law. So if you find yourself confused by all the legal jargon you hear, it’s okay. The law can be very confusing, and this is not the time to assume or try to piece together exactly what you’re hearing. Simply let your lawyer know, and they should do their best to explain things on simple terms. Getting a clarification not only helps your comfort, but ensures that you and your lawyer are on the same page.
  1. Keep them informed.
  • Change is almost always going to happen. And when it happens, it’s crucial to update your lawyer. Every small detail or development can dramatically change your legal situation—for better or for worse.

Remember what we discussed. Organization, Honesty, Asking for Help, and Keeping your lawyer informed. This will dramatically improve not only your communication with your lawyer, but help you avoid any misunderstandings that may affect your case in a negative way.

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